Matityahu Glazerson

Rabbi Glazerson was born and educated in Israel. He studied at Medrashiat Noam in Pardes Chana and at various Yeshivot, including Kfar Chassidim, Ponievez, and Chevron. In 1964, after just being married, he went to Johannesburg, South Africa, where established the Yeshivah Torat Emet and became its head until he returned to Israel in 1980.
Rabbi Glazerson has been involved in bringing many Jewish youngsters back to their Jewish roots. He has authored more than 30 books in Hebrew, most of which have been translated into Russian, French, Spanish,and English. For fifteen years, Rabbi Glazerson wrote a weekly column for Yom HaShishi in which he related words associated with current events to other Hebrew words having the same gematria. It is by way of the Hebrew letters and gematria that Rabbi Glazerson teaches Torah, instilling and inspiring Jewish values in those who read his books.
Rabbi Glazerson's books translated into English include:
- Above the Zodiac
- From Hinduism Back To Judaism
- Hebrew Source of Languages
- Repentance in Words and Letters
- Twin Towers in Torah Codes
- Philistine and Palestinian
- Revelations About Marriage
- What's in a Name
- The Mystical Glory of SHabbath and Festivals
- The Hidden Light of the Sabbath
- Music and Kabbalah
- Torah Light and Healing
- The Secrets of the Haggadah
- Riches and Righteousness
- Time For Redemption
- Letters of Fire
- Torah Codes and Israel Today (with Professor Haralick)
- Torah Codes: A Glimpse of the Infinite (with Professor Haralick and Rips)
- Light out of Darkness (with Joe Gallis, Dr. Robert Wolfe, and Professor Haralick
After Rabbi Glazerson and Professor Haralick met, Rabbi Glazerson began to work on Torah codes. Today Rabbi Glazerson teaches Torah through Torah codes as well as gematria.
Rabbi Glazerson is also is a musician and composer. His composition of a tune to Shalom Aleichem, is sung around many Shabbos tables on Friday evening. This tune has become, so popular that people already regard it as a folk tune. His music can be heard from his website .