Golden Calf
The table on this page was found by accident. Rabbi Glazerson told Professor Haralick about the previous table with the Golden Calf and the phrase Anger and Wrath. Professor Haralick looked for this table but with two inadvertent changes. Whereas the table that Rabbi Glazerson had found just had Calf, Professor Haralick set for the key word Golden Calf. And instead of the phrase Anger and Wrath that Rabbi Glazerson had intended, Professor Haralick took the phrase The Anger, The Wrath. It was not until Professor Haralick showed the resulting table to Rabbi Glazerson that it was realized that the table found by Professor Haralick was not the one intended by Rabbi Glazerson. Thus Professor Haralick's table shown below qualifies as an a priori table and although it is a larger area table, it is a statistically stronger table than the one found by Rabbi Glazerson. The probability that a monkey text in the ELS random placement text population would have as small a table as this one is 24/10,000.