Torah Codes: Name of God; Knowing God

The concealed name of God is יה. The revealed name of God is וה. The complete great name of God is יהוה. Before our time, Torah codes were associated with the concealed name of God. In our time, the time just before the Messiah, Torah codes are associated with the revealed name of God. These ideas are illustrated in the following tables.

The first table has the sentences. We will understand Torahcode as the Language of the great name of God, light of the incomplete name of God. The meaning of this is that up until our day, Torah codes were concealed, hidden and thus associated with the incomplete name of God. But that today, we can understand that Torah codes are being revealed. What had been hidden, that which was associated with the incomplete name of God, is now revealed in the light of the incomplete name of God.

The cylinder size produced by the search is 632. The Table shows the relationship between Torah codes and the condealed or incomplete name of God.
Finding by Rabbi Glazerson and Professor Rips

In our time, the time just before the Messiah, Torah codes are becoming known. As they become known, the revealed name of God is becoming known. Therefore it is not surprising that there is a table that links the key word Torah code with the revealed name of God.

Codes of Torah
The cylinder size produced by the search is 51. The Table shows the relationship between Torah codes and the revealed name of God.
Finding by Professor Haralick

During the time of the Messiah, the prophets tell us that all the world will acknowledge and know the One and the same God.

No longer shall any man teach his neighbor nor any man his brother,saying,

Know Hashem!

For all of them will know Me, from their smallest to their greatest. (Jeremiah 31:33)

With regard to the meaning of Know, the Lubavitcher Rebbe teaches

This verse refers to a direct recognition, to seeing the actual nature of that which is perceived. ... for teaching is [only] appropriate when a subject can be grasped rationally, not when the true nature of something is perceived and recognized by direct vision. (From Exile To Redemption, Vol II, Chassidic Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, Kehot Publication Society, Brooklyn, NY, 1996, p. 95-96.)

To know by direct recognition requires a sensitizing of consciousness. The first element of this sensitizing is to know that a consciousness of direct recognition is possible. Some will come to know directly. Some will come to know various entranceways to such knowing. One entranceway is to train ourselves to see the hand of God in our everyday situations. Another entranceway is to learn to understand the depth of the Torah and its teachings. Another entranceway to knowing that a direct consciousness is possible is through Torah codes. And indeed there is a table that connects Torah codes with knowing God. It is interesting that this table also has an ELS for the key word Zohar, the main Kabbalah book that gives mystical commentary of the Torah.

Know Hashem
The table is on a cylinder size of 17,158.
Finding by Professor Haralick

Reinforcing this table, is another table that links Know God to Codes and Zohar. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 11/1,000.

Know Hashem
The cylinder size produced by the search is 4762. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 11/1,000.
Finding by Professor Haralick