US Election 2012
Before this election, Rabbi Glazerson, Moshe Shak, and Barry Roffman each posted Torah code tables. Rabbi Glazerson's table indicated Obama would win. Shak and Roffman indicated Romney would win. We also did an experiment but decided not to post anything before the election. We were waiting for some significant event before the election that would define it so that we would have a sharper set of key word combinations. Although there were significant events such as Benghazi Gate and Hurricane Sandy, such an election defining event, at least in our opinion, never came.
There are dangers in using Torah code tables to make predictions. The dangers include assuming that the event for which the prediction is being made is an event that is indeed encoded as well as not using the right a priori key words, not using the right protocol, or indeed not using any protocol at all, and not having a p-value produced by a Monte Carlo experiment following a rigid protocol.
First we describe and give the results of our experiment. Then we discuss Rabbi Glazerson's Torah code table.
Mitt Romney
We ran three experiments using the axis protocol for Mitt Romney. In the first experiment, the axis key word was רומני, Romney. In the second experiment, the axis key word was מרומני, MRomney, the M being the first letter of Mitt. In the third experiment, the axis key word was ורומני, WRomney, the W being the first letter of Willard, his formal first name.
All experiments follow the axis protocol. The expected number of ELSs for the axis key word was set to 100 and the maximum row or column skip the axis ELS can have was set to 5. For the non axis ELSs, the expected number of ELSs was set to 200 and the maximum row or column skip a non axis ELS can have was set to 15.
Using a significance level of 1/100, none of the results were statistically significant.
We show the tables that describes the key word protocol followed by the best table that each experiment produced. A minimum of 3 key words was required for any key word combination.