Sharon and Olmert's Fall
The last two prime ministers of Israel implemented policies of disengagement. Sharon got a stroke and is in a coma. Olmert got a vote of no confidence. Both prime ministers fell.
The root of the Hebrew verb to fall is נפל. We explore the meeting between the three tenses of this verb with Olmert and with Sharon, where the verb either occurs before the name or after the name and we pair this with the term העונש, meaning the punishment.
For Sharon, at least one ELS exists for five of the six combinations. For Olmert, at least one ELS exists for one of the six combinations. The best tables are shown below.

The expected number of ELSs is set to 10.
The probabiilty that a table as compact as this would arise in the ELS random placement monkey
text population is 729/10,000.
Finding by Professor Haralick