The End of Days
It is widely held that we are now entering the period known as the End of Days. For it has been foretold that during the period of the End of Days troubles will increase for the Jewish people and therefore for the nation of Israel. Therefore, our last set of experiments add to the topic phrase, end of days, for which there are two ways of writing it in Hebrew. In order to reduce the number of combinations to be tried, we eliminated the key word Amalek. The resulting experimental setup, the table of possibilities, is shown below. Every table must have the key words of the topic.
We show the all the tables whose estimated p-value is smaller than .008 in the order of the smallest p-value to the largest p-value.
The first table is interesting because of the section of the Torah in which it occurs: Deuteronomy Chapter 31 verse 19 through Deuteronomy Chapter 32 verse 7. In this section of Torah we read,
For I shall bring them to the Land that I swore to their forefathers, which flows with milk and hony, but they will eat be sated, and grow fat and turn to gods of others and serve them. It will provoke Me and annul My convenant. If shall be that when amny evils and distresses come upon it,then this song shall speak up before them as a witness, for it shall not be forgotten from the Land that I have sworn. (Deuteronomy 31:20-21)
For I know that after my death you will surely act corruptly, and you will stray from the path that I have commanded you and evil will befall you at the end of days, if you do what is evil in the eyes of Hashem, to anger Him through your handiwork. (Deuteronomy 31:29)

The next table is the heart of the first table and is without an ELS of the key word Islam. Its cylinder size is 33 whereas the first table had a cylinder size of 39.

The next table is a subset of the second table and omits the key word terror.