Genesis Light
With a beginning, God created heaven and earth. The earth was without form and empty, with darkness on the face of the depths, but God's spirit moved on the water's surface. God said, "There shall be light," and lightness became manifest. God saw that the lightness was good and God divided between the lightness and the darkness. God named the lightness Day and the darkness he named night. It was evening and it was morning, one day. (Genesis 1:1-5.)
The Torah does not waste words. We read, God said, There shall be light,
and lightness became manifest.
This tells us the meaning of word said when the Torah uses it to express what for us
is an action of God. God said here means that God willed it and the act of willing it caused
it to become manifest, to come into visibility. What came into visibility was something physical that had the property
that it was luminous, giving off light, providing illumination. In Hebrew, that which gives off light is called
מאור, which in English we simply call illumination. The Hebrew carries
the broader meaning of luminary, light, lighting, brightness, or illumination.
Following Dr. Rotenberg, we form a three key word set,
There shall be light, There was, and Illumination. With expected number of ELSs
set to 10, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have
as compact a table as produced by the Torah text is 16/1,000.

With expected number of ELSs set to 50, a different table results. This table is located exactly in Genesis, chapter 1, verses 3 through 15. Verse 3 is the verse stating
God said,There shall be light, and lightness became manifest.
The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as compact a table as produced by the Torah text is 9/10,000.

This lightness coming from the luminous plasma is called Morning and the total functioning unit is called Day. Following Dr. Rotenberg, we set up five key words: In the Morning, By Day, There shall be light, There was, and Illumination. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, there results the table shown below. Interestingly, this table is not the table found by Dr. Rotenberg and shown on page 115 of his book And All this is Truth. Our table is more compact. Rotenberg's table, however, is located in Genesis chapter 1, the place in Torah describing the first day of creation.
An interesting feature noticed by Art Levitt is that in both the Rotenberg table above and the table below, there are two ELSs of ויהי, And there was, one vertical and one horizontal. Also both tables have two ELSs of אור, Light, one vertical and one horizontal.

In the first two verses of Genesis, there is an interesting meeting of the ELSs of the key word צוה Establish or Command and the key word אור, Light, noticed by Professor Rips many years ago. The meeting is interesting because within a 3 by 3 square there are two ELSs of צוה meeting with two ELSs of אור. In addition there are two ELSs of Light, אר, spelled without the ו, also within the same 3 by 3 square. The verb צוה itself is interesting. Not only does it have the meaning of establish or command, but in a phrase such as צוה לביתו, literally meaning establish for his house, the phrase has the idiomatic meaning of setting one's house in order. Thus we may understand that the establishment of the light is the setting of the heaven and earth in order.