Hezbollah: and Eldad Regev
Eldad Regev was killed and abudcted by the terrorist militant organization Hezbollah. The ideological basis of Hezbollah is Khomeinism and its principle goal is the establishment of a pan-Islamic republic headed by religious clerics. This is the goal of its political force in Lebanon. With respect to Israel, its goal is the complete destruction of Israel as a Jewish state and to replace it with a republic of Islamic rule in which the Jews would have Dhimmi status. Hezbollah views the destruction of Israel and the liberation of Jerusalem as a religious obligation. It believes that any terrorist and violent means is justifiable to achieve its goal. The organization has no ethics and has been responsible for the killing and torture of people to achieve its goals.
In each generation, Amalek is the name given to those peoples and/or organizations that want to destroy Israel and annihilate the Jewish people. Hezbollah is one such an organization. Its name itself tells us this as well. The ח represents sin and evil. The remaining letters זבלה constitute the word for rubbish, trash or garbage.
It is interesting that the greatest Kabbalist in Israel, Rabbi Bnyhu Shmuely, said that Nasrallah, the head of Hezbollah, is the incarnation of Esau, עשו, the grand father of Amalek, עמלק. It is also interesting that the Gematria of Nasrallah, נסראללה is 376. And this is the same as the Gematria of Adolf Hitler, אדולף היטלר plus one for the kollel. This shows us that they have a similar spiritual root: they both are, in their time, among the leaders of Amalek.
We use as key words Hezbollah, Amalek and The Ambusher. With expected number of ELSs, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a table as compact as that produced by the Torah text is 7.5/10,000.

Eldad Regev was born April 16, 1980. He served three years in the Givati Brigade. At the time of his abduction he was a reservist and enrolled in Bar-Ilan University's pre-law preparatory course, planning to attend law school.
We use as key words Hezbollah, The Ambusher, Abducted or Captured, and Eldad Regev. Hezbollah has two common Hebrew spellings. The best table used the key word Abducted. With the expected number of ELSs set to 100, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 59.5/1,000.

There is a development of this table. The additional ELSs are ELSs of the keywords: Amalek, Taking Prisoner, The Soldier, and Army Track.
We use as key words Hezbollah, The Abusher, Abducted or Captured, Eldad Regev and In 5766. The best table used the key word captured. With the expected number of ELSs set to 100, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a table as compact as that produced by the Torah text is 18.5/1,000.

This table has a development. We find Eldad Regev's nickname Udi along with the phrase He will die as a prefix for the ELS of In 5766. And as well we have the phrase He that smote him, death he will die.
We use as key words Hezbollah, Kidnapped, Eldad Regev, and Tamuz 16. With expected number of ELSs set to 100, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a table as compact as that produced by the Torah text is 9.5/1,000.