The Swastika

The swastika was the symbol adoped by Hitler. This symbol, which occurs in left handed and right handed forms, is an ancient religious symbol. Its meaning in Sanskirt is well being.
The term Swastika in English follows from the related word svastika in Sanskrit. In German the Swastika is called Hakenkreuz, literally a Hooked Cross. The full Hebrew for Swastika is צלב הקרס or צלב קרס and it literally means a crooked cross. In the tables involving Swastika as a key word, we either use the short form צלב , literally meaning cross or the longer form צלב קרס.
As a symbol, the swastika is a form coming from a circle within which there is cross with vertical and horizontal arms. In that form, which is called the solar cross, it symbolizes the sun. If the circle of the solar cross is broken in four appropriate places, and the figure rotated 45 degrees, the left handed or right handed swastika forms. Whereas the solar cross is perceived as a static symbol, the swastika is perceived rotating.
The swastika appears in the entranceway of many Hindu temples and marks the beginning of many Buddhist scriptures. It is often carved into the soles of the feet of the Buddha statues. In the Jain religion, it is a symbol of the seventh Jina Saint. To Native Americans, the swastika is a symbol of the sun, the four directions, and the four seasons.
What inspired Hitler to use the swastika as a symbol for the National Socialist German Worker's Party was its use by the Satanic Thule society of which he was an initiate under the grand master Dietrich Eckhardt. From 1919 until the summer of 1921 Hitler used the special Nationalsozialistische library of Dr. Friedich Krohn, a very active member of the Thule society Dr. Krohn was also the dentist from Sternberg who was named by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf as the designer of a Nazi flag with the swastika, very similar to flag that Hitler finally adopted in 1920. The crooked crosses of the swastika also represent two S letters intertwined. The S stands for socialists; the intertwining stands for joining together. This is the meaning the the SS.
Regarding the coloring of the swastika flag, Hitler himself writes in Mein Kampf
The red expressed the social thought underlying the movement. White the national thought. And the swastika signified the mission allotted to us -- the struggle for the victory of Aryan mankind and at the same time the triumph of the ideal of creative work.
As a design, the black swastika on a white circle set in a red background is hypnotic. It has a suggestive sense of power and direction. This is just the kind of symbol that can be used in a magical ritual to aid in altering consciousness. Its effect is to draw you to it and subdue your independent will as you identify with it. When the identification is complete, the Satanic forces that the magician has evoked and identified with the swastika take possession of the magician. Now when the magician speaks, his speech has a more hypnotic effect.
We explore pairing the key word Hitler with the key word Swastika. The long form for Swastika is צלב הקרס. The short form is just צלב. Only the short form had a statistically significant table. With the expected number of ELSs set to 250, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a table as compact as the table produced by the Torah text is 11.5/1,000.

We also explore pairing the key word The Nazi or Nazi with the long and short form for the key word Swastika. We explore two spellings of Nazi: נאצי and נצי. There were two statistically significant pairs. For both, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a table more compact than that produced by the Torah text was 43.5/10,000.