Amalek is a son of Esau's first-born son Eliphaz and of the concubine Timna, the daughter of Seir, the Horite, and sister of Lotan (Gen. 36:12). Amalek was the first foe to attack the Israelites after they had been redeemed from Egypt (Exodus 17:14-16, Deuteronomy 25:19). The place that Amalek attacked was called, רפידים, the place of Weakened Hands. Why was it called the place weakened hands? Because that is the place where the Israelites lost faith and questioned: Is God among us or not? And whenever the Jews question about God, whenever the Jews lose consciousness of God, then the place they are in is called רפידים, the place of Weakened Hands, for in that place, in that situation they are acting without God and therefore, their hands must be weak. It is interesting to note that the Gematria of רפידים, is 344 which is the same as the Gematria of שמד, Destruction, Annihilation.
Amalek attacked the weak stragglers, hitting the Israelites at their most vulnerable point. Nature should have ordained that the Israelites were doomed. However, when the Israelites remembered God and prayed to Him, when they recognized His providence, God gave them the strength to overcome. And overcome they did.
In each century, people who are opposed to the Jews and want to annihilate them are considered to be the spiritual descendants of Amalek. With respect to the Jews, Amalek is the worst segment of Edom. Edom is Rome and today Edom is considered to be the Christian nations. Amalek's power over Jews exists only when the Jews, as a people, fail to recognize God.
We pair the key word Amalek with the key word Germany. Germany can be spelled in two ways in Hebrew and we try both ways. One of the ways produces a statistically signficant table. With the expected number of ELSs set to 20, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a text as compact as the table produced by the Torah text is 8/10,000.

From our previous work we already saw the connection between key words Nazi and Satan and we have already used the key word Dog in conjunction with Amalek. Interestingly enough ELSs of these key words appear close by the ELSs for Germany and Amalek of the previous table.

The Zohar explains that Amalek has four faces: sorcery, divination, mischief (evil deeds) and iniquity (Zohar KiTetze). In the area of this table we find ELSs for these four faces.

Using for key words Amalek and these four faces, we find the following table which is not that statistically significant, but we show it because it is a supporting table.

There is an interesting table found by Dr. Moshe Katz in which the ELSs for the key word Amalek and the key word Swastika appear with overlapping letters. In this table of Dr. Moshe Katz, Rabbi Glazerson found that there are ELSs of the key words Magic and Nazi.
The Zohar tells us that the ministering angel of Esau is Samael. (Zohar, Balak). And as Amalek is a descendant of Esau, Samael is the ministering angel of Amalek. When Amalek came and fought against the Israelites, the Zohar tells us that Samael was coming down to assist Amalek. (Zohar Vol II, p65b.) Exploring the key words Amalek with The Samael, Rabbi Glazerson finds a statistically significant table. With the expected number of ELSs set to 10, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 9/10,000.

The consort of Samael is Lilith. We add the key word Lilith to the key words The Samael and Amalek. The most compact table occurs in the same place as the table above. However, it is not statistically significant.