Samael, סמאל, is the ministering angel of Esau. The name Samael has two meanings. The first one takes the name and breaks it up as סמא אל. Here the literal meaning is blindness to God. When Samael is acting through the people Israel, he influences them to lose sight of God. The second meaning takes the name and breaks it up as סמ אל. Here the literal meaning is poison or venom of God. When Samael is acting external to the people Israel, he acts as the venom of God. As such he is the principle of evil that visits the people Israel through every misfortune that occurred to them, particularly the misfortunes wrought on them by the Christian nations, who are considered to be Edom. Edom, recall, is the land of Esau. The Zohar tells us that Samael's whole object is to cause harm and destruction to the people Israel (Zohar Vol III p199b). The worst and most amazing harm that has happened to the people Israel is the destruction of the First and Second Temples and the Holocaust. We will explore the role of Samael in the destruction of the First and Second Temples in another study. Here we begin by studying Samael in the Holocaust.
We explore the key words Samael or The Samael against the key words Holocaust and The Holocaust. In English Samael with the definite article, The Samael, is awkward. However, this is not the case in Hebrew where the prefix ה not only acts as a definite article, but also gives the noun a stronger sense. Three out of the four combinations produce statistically significant tables. With the expected number of ELSs set to 200, and using our standard protocol (testing the Null hypothesis of no Torah code effect against the alternative that each combination is encoded), the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a combined result as compact as that produce by the Torah text is 18.5/10,000. We show each of the four most compact tables produced by the Torah text and their individual p-values. Using expected number of ELSs set to 200 is perhaps somewhat high for a two key word experiment. However, we think that in this case, because of the relevance of the key words, what we have found is actually only part of a more complete table where these key words are playing a secondary rather than primary role. In the more complete table the primary ELSs would be the usual small skip rank ELSs. Finding the more complete table is on our research agenda.

It is natural to explore the key words Samael or The Samael with Hitler. Hitler is the direct cause of the Holocaust. With an expected number of ELSs set to 50, the pairing of Samael with Hitler did not produce a statistically significant result. However, the pairing of The Samael with Hitler did produce a statistically significant result. The the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a table as compact as that produced by the Torah text is 9.5/10,000.

Around the column of these ELSs are ELSs of two other related key words: Nazi and Swastika.

Next we explore adding the key word Nazi or The Nazi to the key words The Samael and Hitler. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, adding the key word Nazi produced a statistically insignificant result. Adding the key word The Nazi produced a statistically significant result and the most area compact table is located in the same area as the table above. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have a text whose most area compact table is as compact as the table produced by the Torah text is 15.5/10,000.

Hitler's title was The Fuehrer. We therefore take as our key words The Fuehrer and The Samael. With the expected number of ELSs set to 10, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is a surpisingly small 7/100,000.

We add to these key words Germany. With the expected number of ELSs set to 10, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have a s compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 97.5/10,000.

Rabbi Glazerson adds the key word phrase Who is Amalek to the key words The Samael and The Fuehrer. With expected number of ELSs set to 10, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a table as compact as the table produced by the Torah text is 6.5/10,000.

There is another interesting key word that is relevant to this subject matter and has an ELS in the same table area. Dr Moshe Katz adds the key word King of Nazis. With expected number of ELSs set to 10, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have a table as compact as that produced by the Torah text is 24.5/10,000.

There are sources in the Midrashim that tell us that the ministering angel of Egypt is Samael, that he assisted the Egyptians, and that just as Hitler had a mind to exterminate all the Jews, so Pharaoh had a mind to exterminate all the Israelites.
Samael granted Pharaoh assistance, putting six hundred chariots manned with his own hosts at his disposal. These formed the vanguard, and they were joined by all Egyptians, with their vast assemblages of chariots and warriors, no less than three hundred of their men to one of the children of Israel, each equipped with the different sorts of weapons. ...
The mind of the Egyptians was in no wise directed torward spoil and plunder in this expedition. Their sole and determined purpose was to exterminate Israel, kith and kin. ...
What affrighted them [the Israelites] the most was the sight of the angel of Egypt [Samael] darting through the air as he flew to the assistance of the people under his tutelage. (The Legends of the Jews, Vol III, p 12-14.)
On the basis of these Midrashim, we thought to explore pairing Samael or The Samael with Egypt and pairing Samael or The Samael with Pharaoh One of the two combinations with Egypt produced statistically significant tables. With the expected number of ELSs set to 10, and using our standard protocol (testing the Null hypothesis of no Torah code effect against the alternative that one of the combinations is encoded), the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a combined result as compact as that produce by the Torah text is 14/1,000. We show the most significant of the two tables.

One of the two combinations with Egypt Pharaoh produced statistically significant results. With the expected number of ELSs set to 10, and using our standard protocol (testing the Null hypothesis of no Torah code effect against the alternative that one of the combinations is encoded), the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a combined result as compact as that produce by the Torah text is 55/10,000. We show the most significant of the two tables.

Since these two tables are highly related we thought to test the Null hypothesis of no Torah code effect against the alternative that one of the two combinations of Samael will be encoded with Egypt and one of the two combinations of Samael will be encoded with Pharaoh. Setting the expected number of ELSs to 10 and using our standard protocol, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact tables as the Torah does in such a composite test of hypothesis is 8/10,000.
It is interesting that there is a table involving the three key words The Samael, Pharaoh and Egypt. With the expected number of ELSs set to 10, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a table as compact as the table produced by the Torah text is 389.5/10,000. The table shown below has a relevant connective word: עם, meaning with. It appears in the same column as the ELS for The Samael. The ע of פרעה being the ע of עם. The context is then Pharaoh with The Samael.

The verses of Torah in this table are relevant to the table. The verse of the first row of the table states:
The king of Egypt said to them,
Moses and Aaron, why do you disturb the people from its work? Go to your own burdens.
And Pharaoh said,... (Exodus 5:4-5)
The Zohar says that when the Torah uses the phrase king of Egypt, it
means the minister who is appointed over Egypt. However, when it is written: "Pharaoh, the King of Egypt," it is actually Pharaoh, [and not the angel who is appointed over them] (Zohar Shemot)
So the table contains both the ministering angel of Egypt, Samael, and the Pharaoh. And the Torah verse discusses king of Egypt meaning the ministering angel of Egypt and Pharaoh.
There is a table that Rabbi Glazerson developed interactively involving Samael and includes many relevant key words to Samael and Hitler. In this table, Hitler is spelled without the vowel י. The table relates Samael to Satan and Satan within Hitler, Samael to Dog, Hitler to Nazi, Holocaust and Hate. And there is an ELS of Eichmann as well. Had these words all been specified in an a priori manner, with the expected number of ELSs set to 500, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have had as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 1.5/1,000 .