Intifada and the PLO
From its inception in 1964, the PLO was and continues to be a terror organization. In 1964 it was created by the Arab League and was not created by the Palestinians. This was three years before the Six-Day War after which the territories came under the administration of Israel. According to its charter, it has only one aim: the destruction and elimination of the State of Israel through force and violence.
The PLO has been the kingpin of international terror against Jews and Israelis. It has a record of blood-spattered unrelenting terror in Israel and in many other countries. Some of their more "glorious" exploits: The attack on Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics (17 dead); the attack on the Ma'alot School (62 dead, mostly children); the attack on pilgrims and passengers at BenGurion International Airport (76 dead); the hijacking of a passenger bus on the Haifa-Tel Aviv Highway (82 dead).
Throughout the 1960's and 1970's, the US government refused to interact with the PLO until the PLO accepted UN Resolution 242, abandoned terrorism, and recognized Israel's right to exist. In a concession to the US political pressure, on November 7, 1985, Yasser Arafat formulated a declaration, now known as "the Cairo Declaration", which was approved by the Palestinian National Council on November 19, 1988 in Algeria. In this declaration, Arafat states,
The PLO approves its 1974 decision on the condemnation of all forms of foreign operations and all forms of terror... From today, the Organization will take all deterrent steps against those who violate this decision.
This statement on the surface seems positive, but actually it was only a shift in labeling. Instead of the formal PLO organization terrorizing Jews and Israelis, now such terror activities would be constrained to be against Israel carried out by citizen committees and organizations seemingly independent of the PLO. But in actual matter of fact, they have all been funded and directed by the PLO leadership even through 2008.
The continuing terrorism committed by the PLO and its political parties against Israel is actually a move in psychological warfare against the people of Israel: the aim of terrorist attacks is to break down the will and the perseverance of the people of Israel. This will tend to make the people of Israel give political concessions to the PLO. The concept of Land for Peace is an example of these kinds of concessions. As the clock ticks, we think the increasing terror attacks will tend to make the people of Israel lose hope. Eventually, the secular and the religious factions in the Israeli society will have no choice but to join together and in unity fight against the PLO. And in unity Israel will win.
With this background, the key words PLO and terror are a natural pair. The principal political party of the PLO at the beginning of the first intifada was Fatah. Therefore, we explore the key word set PLO, terror and Fatah as three independent words and the key word set PLO terror and Fatah having one key word phrase and one key word. The first key word set was not statistically significant. Using the second key word set with expected number of ELSs set to 10, the probability that text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 15/1,000.

There is a natural semantic association with terror and terrorist. Whereas terror in Hebrew is a transliteration of the English word terror into Hebrew, the Hebrew word for terrorist is מהבל and comes from a Hebrew root הבל meaning to wound, injure, damage or harm. We now add to the key word set terrorist. With expected number of ELSs set to 10, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 82/1,000, less significant than the first table above.

We develop this table by adding one more word to the key word set: intifada. With expected number of ELSs set to 20, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 35.5/10,000.

It seems that the main piece of information now missing is a date. The intifada began December 9, 1987 which corresponds to the 18th of Kislev of the Jewish year 5748. Using (5)748, with expected number of ELSs set to 20, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 32.5/1,000.

Using 5748, with expected number of ELSs set to 20, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 21.5/1,000.

Combining the results of (5)748 and 5748 on a trial by trial basis, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a combined result as that produced by the Torah text is 35.5/1,000.
On September 28, 2000, the second Palestinian intifada was triggered by a visit to the Temple Mount, the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, by then Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon. This visit was planned and had the approval of all the relevant Palestinian authorities, including Arafat himself. According to Sharon's own statement, the purpose of the visit was to show that in accordance with Oslo, Jewish people can visit the area regarded as the most holy Jewish site. The next day the Palestinians rioted in Old Jerusalem. Five people were shot dead by Israeli security. Palestinians threw rocks over the Western Wall at the Jews and tourists below. Two hundred people and seventy policement were wounded by this rock throwing. This was followed by demonstrations and rioting in the West Bank and in Gaza.
On October 7, 2000, a Palestinian mob demolished the tomb of the patriarch Joseph. The tomb is a Jewish holy site near the West Bank city of Schem (Nablus). On Oct. 12th , two Israeli reservists mistakenly wandered into the Palestnian city of Ramallah where they were set upon by a mob of Palestinians and were barbarically lynched. The violence continued to flare and included a renewal of suicide attacks in Israel, killing hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians. The Palestinian terrorists infiltrated into Israel and carried out suicide bombings - on buses, in restaurants, shopping malls, and even in private homes. Between September 2000 and 2003, more than 900 innocent men, women and children were murdered in Israel in attacks carried out by Palestinian terrorists. Thousands of other Israelis were injured, many maimed for life.
The Jewish year corresponding to Sept 28, 2000, the beginning of the second Intifada, is 5,760. We use as key words 5760, PLO terror, Fatah, Terrorist, and Intifada. With expected number of ELSs set to 20, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact a result as that produced by the Torah text is 12.5/100,000.