Today's Conflict: Ishmael and Israel
Today's conflict between Ishmael and Israel entails both a religious-political conflict and a secular-political conflict.
With regard to the religious-political conflict, Islam does not respect any other religious tradition, particularly the Jewish religious tradition because the Jewish religious tradition is its rival with respect to monotheism. This disrespect was true from its inception. In modern times, witness the Jews who left Moslem countries in the 1940's and 1950's, leaving everything they had behind because life in the Moslem country was so intolerable to them. Witness the 6th-Century Bamiyan Buddhas, the two largest statues of Buddha, that were blown up by the Taliban Moslems in Afghanistan in 2001. Witness the second century Buddha in north-west Pakistan that was damaged in 2007 by pro-Taliban militants. The Buddhas were offensive to the Moslems. Witness the Moslem silence about these atrocities.
In September 2006, Palestinian gunmen attacked and set fire to the Young Men's Christian Association headquarters in Qalqiliya, a large West Bank city controlled by Hamas. Local government sources identified the attackers as members of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror groups, saying the identities of the gunmen are "well known" to Qalqiliya's security forces, which are controlled by the Hamas government. But nothing was done to bring these gunmen to justice. In fact, they were even backed by the Moslem preachers who issued a petition.
We the preachers of the mosques and representatives of major families in Qalqiliya ask you to close the offices of the YMCA because the population of Qalqiliya doesn't need such offices, especially since there are not many Christians in our city.
Today, the Christian population in the Palestinian controlled areas has decreased from about 18% in 1948 to about 1.5% and the Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip are pressuring non-Muslims to either become Muslims or leave the area. They announced that Jews and Christians will not be allowed to live in a future Palestine unless they are prepared to accept Dhimmi status. This is Islam in its kindness. Those who do not leave will be subject to theft of property and land, beatings, torching of their homes and businesses, and threat of death, and finally being killed. This is Islam in practice, when it becomes the dominant force in a society.
The direct conflict is between the Palestinians and Israel and entails the very existence of Israel. The religious side of this conflict can be understood from the Hamas charter which allies itself with Islam.
The slogan of Hamas (article 8) is:
Its article 15 elaborates:
In article 11 the charter states the land of Israel and the territories constitute the land of Palestine:
Its article two states that Hamas is a wing of the Moslem Brotherhood movement. Among its purposes is the conversion to Islam. |
With regard to today's secular conflict between Ishmael and Israel, witness the PLO charter. Article 2 states that all the land that was part of the British Mandate is Palestine and belongs to the Palestinian people. Article 7 states:
It is a national obligation to provide every Palestinian with a revolutionary Arab upbringing, and to instill in him a profound spiritual and material familiarity with his homeland and a readiness for armed struggle and for the sacrifice of his material possessions and his life, for the recovery of his homeland.
Article 15 speaks of liquidating the Zionist presence in Palestine. Article 20 declares Israel's existence is null and void:
The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate Instrument, and all their consequences, are hereby declared null and void. The claim of historical or spiritual links between the Jews and Palestine is neither in conformity with historical fact nor does it satisfy the requirements for statehood. Judaism is a revealed religion; it is not a separate nationality, nor are the Jews a single people with a separate identity; they are citizens of their respective countries.
Today the confict between Israel and Ishmael is not just between Israel and the Palestinians. It is a conflict also with Iran. Consider the following editorials in the Iranian daily newspaper Resalat.
The great war is ahead of us, (and will break out) perhaps tomorrow, or in another few days, or in a few months, or even in a few Years... Israel must collapse. (Resalat, October 19, 2006)
The second editorial was entitled Preparations for the Great War.
For the first time in the 60 years of its disgraceful life, the Zionist regime - the West's beloved in the Middle East - tasted the taste of defeat, and the citizens of this regime trembled at the menace of Hizbullah's missiles. The nation of Muslims must prepare for the great war, so as to completely wipe out the Zionist regime, and remove this cancerous growth. Like the Imam (Ayatollah) Khomeini said: 'Israel must collapse.' (Resalat, October 22, 2006)
On various occasions, the President of Iran, Ahmadinejad said,
We therefore pair the key words: to destroy and Israel with each of the following key words: Hamas, PLO, Ishmael, Iran, Philistia, and Fatah. With the expected number of ELSs set to 100, two out of the six pairings resulted in statistically significant tables which are shown below.
In a combined Montecarlo experiment pairing the key words to destroy and Israel with each of the following key words: Hamas, PLO, Ishmael, Iran, Philistia, and Fatah, the probability that a text from the ELS random placemdent text population would produce as good a result as that produced by the Torah text is 68/1000, a result considerably smaller than the Bonferonni upper bound computed from the six individual experiments.
Given the statements that are coming out of Iran about destroying Israel, we were surprised that the key word Iran did not come with a close meeting to the key word to destroy. The statistically non-significant table we found is shown below.

However, Rabbi Glazerson found an interesting table involving Iran. The table ties together terms for Phillistines and Arafat as well.
Rabbi Glazerson found an interesting related table that also uses the root of the verb to destroy with the key words Israel and from Gaza. In addition it has the key word The Samael, the evil angel.

Ismail Haniyeh is a senior leader of Hamas and former Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority. He was dismissed by Palestinian President Abbas after the Hamas military takeover of the Gaza Strip, but he continues to function as Prime Minister for Hamas. It is interesting that there is a close meeting of ELSs for Ismail, Haniyeh, Hamas, Abbas, and Islam. With the expected number of ELSs set to 30, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small an area table as the Torah text is 1.5/10,000. Furthermore, the verse in the Torah that runs through the last row of the table is relevant. Indeed it is an end of day prophecy.
In the first part of this verse, Hashem is saying that he rejoices over the good that He does for the children of Israel. And just as he rejoices over this good that He does for Israel, so will Israel enemies rejoice over their efforts to cause the children of Israel to perish and to be destroyed. The second part of the verse is exactly about disengagement. The Jews were torn from their land. |

Running through the last row of the table we can see the words to cause you to perish and to destroy you. These in fact are words that Hamas speaks to the children of Israel. This is followed by and you will be torn from upon the ground. This is exactly what happened in disengagement.
Today, the Jihad Moslem says you will die for what I believe, even if it means that I and my people will die in the process. Thus is fulfilled the Torah's prophecy of Ishmael:
His hand would be against every man, and every man's hand against him. And over all his brothers he shall dwell. (Genesis 16:12.)