Experimental Results

In this page we summarize the experimental results. Our experiment was to explore in a broad way what compact tables might exist relating to the recycling of the Mayan long count calendar in December 2012. This experiment adds results to those that we already have. When we have enough experiments we will be able to determine what internal characteristics make the tables that we found different from the most compact tables (those of small p-value) that can be found in Monkey texts. Not until we understand these internal characteristics will we be able to devise a single statistic for the overall experiment and be able to associate a proper p-value to the experiment we have done.

Because in this experiment we have tried so many key word combinations, the Bonferonni methodology examining individual key word sets, cannot declare any single key word combination set statistically significant in the context of the overall experiment. This does not imply that what we have found is not encoded. It does imply that with the protocol we used, we have no evidence that what we found is encoded.

Maximum Row Skip = 5 Maximum Column Skip = 5

Event Category Combination Number of Key
Word Sets
Smallest P-valueBonferroni Upper
Bound P-value
WHAT 2 834.5/1,00010,000/10,000
WHERE 12 129/1,000 10,000/10,000
WHEN_START 16 459.5/10,000 7,352/10,000
WHEN_END 32 158.5/10,0005,072/10,000
WHO 8 566/10,0004,528/10,000
WHERE WHEN_START 96 300/10,00010,000/10,000
WHERE WHEN_END 48 228.5/10,00010,000/10,000
WHEN_START WHEN_END 128 49.5/10,0006,336/10,000
WHERE_WHO 24 342.5/10,0008,220/10,000
WHEN_START WHO 32 62.5/10,0002,000/10,000
WHEN_END WHO 64 722.5/10,00010,000/10,000
WHERE WHEN_START WHEN_END 384 69.5/10,00010,000/10,000
WHERE WHEN_START WHO 96 99.5/10,0009,552/10,000
WHERE WHEN_END WHO 192 67.5/10,00010,000/10,000
WHEN_START WHEN_END WHO 256 14.5/10,0003,712/10,000
WHERE WHEN_START WHEN_END WHO 768 29.5/10,00010,000/10,000

The top layer lattice structure in the event category combination lattice is shown below. Here the smallest p-value from all the key word combination sets that belong to the same event category combination are shown.

Mayan Lattice Pvalues
The smallest p-value from all the key word combination sets that belong to the same event category combinatino are shown in the lattice structure of the event category combinations.