Jonathan Pollard
Based on the table found by Rabbi Glazerson, we decided to do a complete experiment. The possibility table for the experiment is shown below. All compact tables having p-value less than 5/10,000 will be shown.

The cylinder size is 922. With expected number of ELSs set to 10, had
all the key words been a priori, the probability of a monkey text
from the ELS random placement monkey text population having as a compact table of all the
ELSs shown is less than 1/10,000. The table spans the verses from Genesis Chapter 33 verse 7
through Genesis Chapter 40 verse 16.

The cylinder size is 154. With expected number of ELSs set to 10, had
all the key words been a priori, the probability of a monkey text
from the ELS random placement monkey text population having as a compact table of all the
ELSs shown is 3.5/10,000. The table spans the verses from Genesis Chapter 36 verse 21
through Genesis Chapter 41 verse 26.