The Rabin Assassination: The Plot
There is a conspiracy. The plot seems to be a double plot. Under the influence of Avishai Raviv, Yigal Amir shoots blank bullets (plot 1) but becomes the fall guy for the real assassination. Rabin is actually killed in the car by a Shabak agent (plot 2). Here is how Barry Chamish and David Rutstein explain it.
Barry Chamish speculates that the shooter was Yoram Rubin, Shin Bet agent and one of the PM's bodyguards, who was allegedly wounded by Amir's shot but whose medical records show only suffered a slight friction injury, was treated with ointment, and released.
The most chilling and gruesome aspect of the theory is that Rabin, seriously wounded, arrived at the hospital barely alive but was, through heroic medical efforts, resuscitated and stabilized. It was then, Chamish argues, that the Shin Bet ordered the room cleared of medical personnel and Rabin's bodyguard, who was hospitalized with him, was ordered to fire the coup de grace with a final bullet, finishing the job he allegedly started but failed to finish.
At that point too the cover-up allegedly began, with forgery of the medical reports, suppression of the photographic evidence, and Shin Bet intimidation of the doctors and nurses and journalists to never breathe a word of what they saw, heard and knew. (Israel Insider, November 6, 2005)
David Rutstein writes,
Yitzhak Rabin isn't supposed to be harmed in any manner shape or form. The plan is to bring him to the Shabak headquarters. The government would then clamp down on the Right. This explains why there is no blood at the site of the shooting, no spent cartridges, why Shabak [the Hebrew acronym for the Shin Bet] guards didn't kill Yigal Amir on sight, why the two trauma ambulance crews (docs and paramedics) stationed 10 feet away from where Yitzhak Rabin was "shot" are rebuffed when they offer to treat the "wounded" Yitzhak Rabin, why people shouted "SRAK! SRAK!" ("Blanks! Blanks"), why the Shabak told Leah Yitzhak Rabin that her husband was OK and the whole thing was just an "exercise", and why when a senior police officer from the Police Identification Unit takes the gun used by Yigal Amir as material evidence has the gun forcibly (and illegally) removed from him by the Shabak. The "gun" is returned the next day. Yitzhak Rabin is taken to the Shabak headquarters in the Cadillac limousine: the hospital is not informed to be ready for a trauma patient.
Somewhere during what was expected to be a brief and uneventful trip to the Shabak headquarters, where Yitzhak Rabin was to have emerged safe and sound, something must have gone terribly wrong. Someone in the Shin Bet, apparently decided -- either in the car or at nearby Shin Bet headquarters to shoot Yitzhak Rabin and immediately after one shot into Yitzhak Rabin's chest this man is killed by another guard. Eventually, Yitzhak Rabin is transfered by an ambulance, intubated, and delivered to the hospital, initially as an anonymous patient suffering from a gunshot wound.
The last step in considering the fact that Yigal Amir could not by himself murder Yitzhak Rabin, simply because Yitzhak Rabin was shot from behind, while he came to the hospital with only one gunshot wound, located in his front chest, and due to the fact that Yitzhak Rabin was jumping into the car after the shots by Yigal Amir, which does not fit with the fact that he arrived paralyzed to the hospital (spinal shock), it makes sense than, that the real murderer was one of the co-passengers in the limousine, possibly the man whose body was brought to Ichilov Hospital at the same time as Yitzhak Rabin. It is possible then that somebody who knew about the planned exercise of the Shin Bet, took advantage on the situation, and ordered the murder, knowing that the blame will be put on Yigal Amir and the right.
The Chamish and the Rutstein explanation both require that Yigal Amir and Avishai Raviv, the provocateur, be involved with the first staged assassination plot and Karmi Gillon, the head of Shabak, and Yoram Rubin, the bodyguard of Rabin, be involved in the second real assassination plot. Therefore, we set up an experiment in which we group together the appellations of these people with the key words for the assassination of Rabin.
There are four appellations we try for each one in the plot: first name, last name, first name-last name, initial first name-last name. For Rabin we have three appellations: Rabin Assassination, Yitzhak Rabin, Y. Rabin. Thus there are 12 subexperiments associated with each of our selected conspirators. For each of these 12 we use the additional key words Assassination, if the Rabin appellation was not Rabin Assassination, and Plot. There are thus a total of 60 subexperiments in our compound experiment.
Whenever a probability that something would happen by chance is estimated, it must always be done against an hypothesis that specifies the alternative against which the test is being done. This hypothesis is called the alternative hypothesis.
For our experiment we test against one alternative hypothesis and if the resulting p-value is sufficiently small we stop. If the resulting p-value is not sufficiently small, we test against the other alternative hypothesis. Our first alternative hypothesis is a strong one: that for each of the three appellations of Rabin, each person has some appellation of his four appellations that can be paired together forming some table of their ELSs that is unusually compact. Our second alternative hypothesis is a weak one: that each person has some appellation that can be paired together with an appellation of Rabin forming some table of their ELSs that is unusually compact. In the case of the first hypothesis, the 12 subexperiments associated associated with each person is divided into 3 groups of 4. A score is developed for each group of 4 subexperiments using our standard methodology when only one of the four subexperiments is hypothesized to have interesting results. And the scores from these 3 groups of 4 are combined together in our standard way when each of these 3 groups are hypothesized to produce interesting results. In the case of the second hypothesis, the 12 subexperiments associated with each person produces a score, on a trial by trial basis, using our standard methodology when only one of the 12 subexperiments is hypothesized to produce interesting results.
The strong alternative hypothesis suggests that there is redundant encoding for the chosen key word sets. The weak alternative hypothesis suggests no redundand encoding for the chosen key word sets. For the case of our experiments on this page, the test against the strong alternative hypothesis fails. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as good as a combined score as the Torah text is 3,198/10,000. The test against the weak alternative hypothesis succeeds. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as good as a result as that produced by the Torah text is 4.5/10,000, certainly a statistically signficant result.
We show the results person by person, first for Yigal Amir. His best result was for the key word set: Assassination, Yitzhak Rabin, Y. Amir, Plot, and Shabak. This was one key word set out of the 12 key word sets for Yigal Amir. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a table more compact than that produced by the Torah text is 1.5/10,000.

We first show the most significant result for Karmi Gillon. His best result was for the key word set: Yitzhak-Rabin, Assassination, Karmi, Plot, and Shabak. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as compact a result as that produced by the Torah text is 9.5/10,000.

We next show the results for Yoram Rubin. His best result was for the key word set: Yitzhak_Rabin, Assassination, Yoram, Plot, and Shabak. With expected number of ELSs set to 50, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would have as compact a table as that produced by the Torah text is 39/10,000.

After having seen the pattern in the results: some appellation for each person is encoded against the appellation Yitzhak-Rabin. This suggests that we could have tested agains another alternative hypothesis: that for one appellation of Yitzhak Rabin, there is some appellation for each person that forms a compact table against that Yitzhak Rabin appellation. A test against the alternative hypothesis that there is some appellation for each person that formas a compact table against the Yitzhak-Rabin appellation has p-value 25.5/100,000.