Warsaw Deportation
By the end of July 1942, nearly 65,000 Jews were deported to their deaths in Treblinka. Each subsequent month thousands of more Jews were sent to their deaths in concentration camps. Soon it became known that they were being sent to their death and they left only under force.
It was natural to pair the key word Warsaw Ghetto with the key word Deportation. With the expected number of ELSs set to 40, the result was not significant. When we opened the expected number to 500, we were surprised to find a very compact table. This table was not built on the main key word Warsaw Ghetto, as the other tables were, but on the key word גרוש, Deportation. The ELS of גרוש, Deportation, had a skip of 10, there being only 11 ELS with smaller skips and 2 ELSs with equal skips, thereby qualifying it as a small skip rank ELS. The skip of Warsaw is 31. The skip of Ghetto is -10. The reason the expected number of ELSs had to be set to 500 to find this table is that when the expected number of ELS is set to 500, the maximum absolute skip for ELSs of the key word Warsaw is 31 and this just includes the skip 30 that we observed in the table for the ELS of Warsaw. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small an area table as that produced by the Torah text is smaller than 1/100,000.

Exploring the area around this table we find two ELSs for the year 1942 which by the Jewish year is (5)702. This is the year of the deportations.