
The land of the Philistines is called פלשת, Philistia. It is the area which includes what is now called the Gaza strip plus the areas containing the cities of Ashkelon, Gath, Ekron and Ashdod. We pair the key word Philistia with the key word Samael and the key word Rahav, the ministering angels of Esau and Ishmael. For the key words Philistia and Samael, with the expected number of ELSs set to 100, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce a text as area compact as that produced by the Torah text is 14.5/10,000.

Philistia Samael
The expected number of ELSs is set to 100. The cylinder size is 20 columns. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small a table as this is 14.5/10,000.
Finding by Rabbi Glazerson

The meetings of Philistia with Rahav were statistically insignificant. Nevertheless, we show the tables as a matter of interest to document what we have done. Because the configuration is geometrically compact, this area may contain ELSs of other related key words that can be searched for in a future study.

Philistia Rahav
The expected number of ELSs is set to 200. The cylinder size is 55 columns. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small a table as this is 591.5/1,000.
Finding by Professor Haralick
Next we tried putting together the key word Philistia together with Samael and Rahav The results were not statistically significant. However it is interesting that the ELS Philisitia has an extension forming the word Philistines.
Philistia Samael Rahav
The expected number of ELSs is set to 200. The cylinder size is 79 columns. The probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as small a table as this is 680/1,000.
Finding by Professor Haralick