Matter From Light
And God spoke: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide between waters and waters. And God made a firmament and divided the waters which were beneath the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it became. And God called the firmament Heaven. (Genesis 1:6-7)
You have donned glory and majesty; covering with light as with a garment, streching out the heavens like a curtain. (Psalms 104:1-2)
Parallel to the boundary that God set by His contraction associated with ברא, and parallel to the division that God set between lightness and darkness, God now set a boundary between the waters above, the dimension of spirituality, and the waters below, the dimension of physicality, the plasma of Light From Light. Plasma sufficiently cooled forms into matter. Firmament, Ibn Ezra tells us, is something spread out. As the universe expanded, the plasma cooled and became spread out, forming matter. It is matter that constitutes the firmament.
Rabbi Hirsch tells us that Heaven, שמים is composed of שם and מים, literally, there is water. He explains that שם is from the root שום, directing, fixing the place. It is matter that has position, place.
That God called the firmament Heaven is a great secret. For we think that spirituality, the world of soul, is opposed to physicality, the world of space-time. The secret is that spirituality, holiness, Heaven in this deepest sense, is found hidden in human action in physicality. Our striving and accomplishing holy purpose can only be done in the physical world by living and acting in accordance with Torah. It is this doing within the firmament, the boundary connecting spirituality and physicality, that has the possiblity of holiness.
This suggests that we explore the clustering of ELSs of the key words Light Within Light or Light From Light, with Forms and Matter. Using our standard protocol, the probability that a text from the ELS random placement text population would produce as compact combined results as the Torah text is 33.5/1,000. Exploring all the possible combinations, we find the following most compact tables.