Mumbai Massacre

A systematic Torah code exploration must proceed with some understanding of what are the components of an event and how these components relate to the Torah code exploration methodology. The components of the event are its structure. The way the event components relate to Torah codes is through the component combinations that are used for table categories and the Hebrew key word choices that are associated with each of the event components.

Event Structure

In general, an event has a topic and who, what, where, when, and how components. The topic component usually coincides with one or more of the who, what, where when and how components. Each simple table is constructed using one or more key words from the topic component combined with one or more key words from one of the who, what, where, when, and how components not involved in the topic. More complex tables are constructed using key words from the topic component combined with key words from more than one of the who, what, where, when and how components.

To decide for any particular event exactly what these components are requires subjective choice, choices sometimes not even fully consciously recognized by the experimenter. Here we will be as complete and explicit about our a priori choices as possible.

The what component of this event is Massacre, Terror, or Massacre Terror. The where component of this event is Mumbai or Bombay, India. The when component of this event is the evening November 26, 2008. The when component has a subcomponent as the date, November 26, and a subcomponent as the year, 2008. The how component of an event is the enabling means or instrument through which the event happens. For this event the means is terrorists and killers, Islam and Muslims. The who components are the places where the slaughters took place. These are the Taj Mahal, the Oberoi, Nariman House or Chabad House, and the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus. We will treat each of these who components with a separate set of tables as the massacres took place at each. We choose the topic component to be the what and where components as these can be found in many newpaper articles whose headlines or topic sentences include Mumbai Massacre or Mumbai Terror.

Event Component Combination

The event components and their combinations give us a set of categories by which to explore tables associated with the Mumbai Massacre event. Each table must have one of the possible key words of the topic: what and where. The topic is combined with each of the other event components. Therefore, for this event we can construct the 15 possible categories of tables. These are listed in the table below. Each of these categories will have some key word set combination yielding a best table. That best table will have a p-value. It is this p-value that we will record.

Because each p-value that is recorded is the best one of a number of sub-experiments that have been performed, the collection of p-values cannot be used by themselves to construct a summary p-value for the total complex experiment done. For this we must use the methodology of Torah code networks, a methodology whose computer programs we are working on now. In the near future, we will describe the methodology and evaluate the complete set of the Mumbai Massacre experiments with a proper p-value, whose meaning will be the probability that what we have observed would happen by chance.

The blank table below shows the form of the results we will obtain by the Torah code experiments we perform. After we show the individual Torah code tables for each of the Mumbai Massacre event categories, the last webpage of this study will fill the blank spaces with their respective p-values.

Empty P-value Table To Be Filled In By Monte Carlo Experiments

What Where
2When Date
3When Year
5Who When Date
6Who When Year
7Who How
8When Date Year
9When Date How
10When Year How
11Who When Date Year
12Who When Date How
13Who When Year How
14When Date Year How
15Who When Date Year How

Hebrew Key Word Choices

In this section we give the associations of the Hebrew word choices with each event component. Key words must have at least four letters unless it is a three letter key word having the infrequently occuring letter Tet or Gimmel.


The What component is Massacre or Terror. For the Hebrew we use the terms טבח, Massacre; הטבח, The Massacre; טרור, Terror; הטרור, The Terror; the phrase טבח טרור, spelled with a Vav, Massacre Terror; and the phrase טבח טרר, spelled without the Vav, Massacre Terror. There are no ELSs of טבח טרור so it is excluded from the key word choices.


The Who component are the places partially destroyed by the terror attacks. These are the טאג מהאל, Taj Mahal; אוברוי, Oberoi; נארימן, Nariman, or בית נארימן, Nariman House or בית חבד, Chabad House; and the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus for which we have no hope of having an ELS for the Hebrew transliteration and is so omitted.


The Where component is Mumbai or the older name Bombay, India or in Mumbai or in Bombay, India. Mumbai has multiple Hebrew spellings. We use the most common two spellings. מומבאי, Mumbai; and מומביי, Mumbai; במומבאי, in Mumbai; במומביי, in Mumbai. For Bombay we use בומבי, Bombay; and בבומבי, in Bombay. For India we use הודו, India.


The massacre began a little after 9:00PM, Mumbai time, November 26, 2008. Since this is after sunset, by the Jewish calender the date of the event is Cheshvon 29 and the year is 5769. Therefore our Hebrew key words for the date are כט חשון, Cheshvon 29; כט בחשון, the 29th of Cheshvon; and בכט חשון, On Cheshvon 29. There are no ELSs for the key word כט בחשון so it is excluded from the key word set.

The year is 5769. Therefore our Hebrew key words for the year are התשסט l 5769; בהתשסט in 5769; תשסט l (5)769; בתשסט in (5)769;


The how component of the event is that which enables or is the instrument through which the event occurs. For this we choose the words Killers, Terrorists, Islam, and Muslims. The corresponding Hebrew words are רוצחים, Killers; רצחים, Killers; מחבלים Terrorists. Islam has two spellings איסלם, Islam; and אסלם, Islam. Finally, for Muslims we use מוסלמים, Muslims.